
7 Natural foods that promote hair growth

The health of your hair depends largely on the composition of your diet. A balanced diet can protect your scalp and stimulate hair growth. To have a beautiful head of hair like Rapunzel’s, choose natural foods rich in nutrients and proteins. Hair is made up of 90% keratin. Without further ado, here is a list of foods to incorporate into your diet to grow your hair.


Salmon is an excellent food to stimulate hair growth. Rich in essential fatty acids, such as omega-3, it contains many essential nutrients. Scientific research has shown that taking omega-3 may reduce hair loss.

Regular consumption of oily fish like salmon promotes hair growth helps maintain a healthy scalp thanks to its iron, vitamin D and vitamin B content. In addition, salmon is also rich in protein. It helps build keratin on the hair to make it strong and shiny. The hair grows fast, but especially healthy.

Eat salmon or oily fish twice a week to see a real difference in your hair. If despite the benefits of salmon, you do not like the taste, you can opt for alternative foods such as tuna and sardines.


Avocado is the food per excellence to accelerate hair growth. Like salmon, it contains good fats, essential for good health. The avocado is rich in amino acids, omega-3 but also in vitamins A, B6, C and E. It brings nutrition to the scalp. The avocado can also be used as an exfoliating treatment.


In oil form, avocado is used to massage the scalp and remove dead skin. At the same time, it strengthens the hair fiber and reduces breakage, which often stops hair growth. In addition, the avocado also protects the hair from dehydration. An avocado mask makes the hair shiny and tonic. And we know that healthy hair grows faster.


Eggs are an essential natural food for hair growth. They are an excellent source of protein, necessary for the production of keratin. But in addition they contains biotin, a mineral that is essential for hair health. In fact, most dietary supplements for hair growth contain biotin.

In addition, eggs also contain lysine, vitamin D and other minerals. They provide nutrition and moisture to repair dry and damaged hair. Incorporated into a balanced diet or used as a hair mask, eggs contribute to healthy hair. To use as a mask, mix with vegetable oils to be chosen according to the type of hair.

The almonds

Almonds are an ideal and healthy snack for staying healthy. They are full of healthy fats and proteins, essential for beautiful hair. Like salmon and avocado, they also contain omega-3 and vitamins E and B8. In addition, they also contain biotin, the miracle ingredient to promote hair growth.

Almonds are also favorable against hair loss (alopecia). They can also help people with thin hair to regain thickness. The effects are quickly visible.  You can eat them at any time. At breakfast, they mix perfectly with porridge or cereals. At lunch, they accompany salads. They can also be eaten as a snack with other seeds such as Brazil nuts or cashew nuts.

Sweet potatoes

The sweet potato is a natural food that has a high nutritional value. It is very rich in essential nutrients for the health of the skin and hair. Rich in beta-carotene, vitamins A, B6 and C, it also contains copper and manganese. All these elements constitute a natural ally to make the hair grow.

Vitamin A from sweet potato nourishes dry hair by stimulating the sebaceous glands. It helps to regulate sebum on the scalp and prepare a healthy ground for hair growth. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that prevents the appearance of white hair. It also helps to regenerate the cells of the scalp.

When the scalp is healthy, hair grows quickly. Vitamin B6 contributes to the synthesis of keratin by promoting growth. Consume sweet potato regularly to ensure that your hair grows quickly.

Yellow bell pepper

The yellow bell pepper is one of the natural foods rich in vitamin C that promotes hair growth. This vitamin is the best ally for long, shiny and healthy hair. Indeed, vitamin C contains antioxidants that fight against premature aging of cells. It strengthens the scalp and reinforces the hair fiber. It also prevents intensive hair loss and breakage. In addition, it brings shine by preserving the collagen necessary for hair growth.

In addition, yellow bell pepper also contains a significant amount of vitamin A. This one is not to be presented anymore. It is one of the essential elements for healthy hair. Incorporated in salads with other ingredients, yellow bell pepper can be eaten raw or cooked. It goes wonderfully well with broccoli, avocado and spinach for an invigorating combo for the scalp.

The nuts

Hair also needs sulfur, selenium and zinc to grow. Nuts contain these nutrients in good quantities. Brazil nuts, for example, are an excellent source of selenium. This is a mineral that aids in hair growth.  Cashews and pecans are also rich in selenium, zinc, protein and alpha linolenic acid. These nutrients promote healthy skin and scalp.


With a healthy scalp, hair grows faster. However, the recommended intake of selenium and zinc for adults should not exceed a certain level.

So, if you are looking for a way to promote hair growth, start eating more of these natural foods. Not only are they good for your hair, but they can also help improve your health.

And if you want to take it a step further, you can consider hair transplantation at our clinic in Brussels. We can help you achieve thicker, fuller hair with this minimally invasive procedure. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your beauty goals

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