
Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant

The most effective hair implant method

We are the first in Belgium to use the FUE transplant method as well as direct hair implantation.

Are you suffering from severe hair loss? Hair transplantation is the best solution to your problem. It is painless, long-lasting and effective, and the result is impeccable. You will love your new head.

Hair transplantation in our centre in Brussels is available for both men and women, your hopes and expectations are met thanks to our method with guaranteed results!

greffe de cheveux fue

Result before and after the hair implant

They did the hair transplant in our centre in Brussels and agreed to show their results.
rendu après l'implantrendu avant l'implant
avant l'implant capillaireaprès l'implant capillaire
aperçu après greffeaperçu avant greffe

Why do hair transplants?

Hair transplantation is a surgical method that is performed in two phases. First, hair follicles are removed from the back of the head, an area where baldness rarely occurs, and then implanted into the balding area. Here are some of the advantages: 

  • 1 - The process is not painful
  • 2 - Improves your self-confidence
  • 3 - No more baldness

Hair implantation is a procedure that offers long-term results. After a few years, there is no need for an additional session. The hair will be permanently present in the implanted area.

How does hair transplantation work?

Here we present the essential steps to follow for a hair transplant

Making contact

If you have any questions or need more information on how a hair transplant works and how it is performed, please contact us first.


Free Diagnosis

You can recevoir un diagnostic gratuit on the hair implant you wish to have, our specialist doctor will give you a detailed feedback based on the pictures you send us.



After the diagnosis, you will discuss this in more detail with our specialist, who will explain the procedure of the scalp hair transplant and arrange an appointment.


Preoperative Care

Preparation of the scalp with adequate care to optimize results and hair growth, your capidermologist will prescribe lotions and shampoos to use every day.


Hair transplant

It is performed under local anaesthesia. Using a precision instrument, the surgeon will first extract and sort the grafts. Then he will re-implant them in the hairless area.


Post-operative care

You may notice scabs on your head after the operation. These will disappear after two weeks. To facilitate healing, you will be prescribed an antiseptic gel to apply.

Need more information?

If you have any questions or need information about the installation of hair, you can contact us by phone, email or via the form, our team is very reactive and will answer you as soon as possible.
